There is nothing like the thrill of riding a humongous rollercoaster! The breath-taking, heart-pounding anticipation of what’s to come washes over your body. I’m probably a lot like you. I’m all-in until it starts climbing straight up a Mount Everest type slope. I start screaming every time like a baby, tears, and all! Even now. Can you imagine having that feeling for 30 years straight? If someone told me I would do that, I would not have believed them. And although I did it, I had to learn quickly to develop nerves of steel. A few years into my “ride” after depleting my savings I was struggling to make enough money to fully support myself. I was getting anxious about my finances and I knew something had to change. So, of course I considered returning to corporate America. I remember the job interview that took place 3 decades ago like it happened yesterday. That interview helped me understand why I became and remained a business owner for so many years. I interviewed with another consulting firm that was looking for the right person to open their regional office in Atlanta, Georgia. They were seeking someone who could handle the sales and business development responsibilities as well as setup the new office from top to bottom…furniture, fixtures, technology, and administrative staff. I interviewed several times with the company with multiple people and I even completed their pre-employment evaluation, by Myers-Briggs.
Everything went surprisingly well with the interview process considering I was not wholeheartedly committed to returning to the corporate arena. But I got the job, or more rightly stated, I was offered the position, but I turned it down and here’s why. The company rep who was managing the interview process, casually related my independence as a business owner with having autonomy managing a regional office. He was giving me the pros and cons of the position and then he made this statement. “You will be doing the same type of work you’re doing now, sales and business development except you will be working for someone else instead of yourself.” What I heard that kept pounding in my head was someone else would be controlling my time. I thought about it as I drove home. I wasn’t concerned about making enough money because I would be getting a great salary plus commission. What bothered me most was the time commitment. For the past 3 years I had total FREEDOM to come and go as I pleased. And the more and more I thought about giving that up, even for this cushy job was unfathomable. I kept thinking about that freedom as I sat in traffic headed home, and how I would have to report to work each morning at 8:00 a.m! I would have to get up at 5a.m. to sit in traffic for an hour before getting to work was not appealing at all. So, I decided that having the freedom to live and work as I please was far more important than money at this pivotal point. But money is what I needed. I know, I know right!! I went home and got busy doing what was essential: marketing, selling, delivering. I had too, my happiness and peace of mind ultimately is what was at stake.
I have inspired people through the years to express their best self, to have a positive attitude and achieve their personal and professional goals by sharing my own experiences in business dealing with success, adversity, uncertainty, and trying circumstances. I’ve now come to understand and appreciate the mistakes, missteps, failures, and bad choices I made over my journey were only stepping-stones to an exciting and rewarding life. I value them all. These stepping-stones had to happen because they were the impetus for my growth and advancement, especially the most painful ones. However, the thing I coveted most at the start of my entrepreneurial career is also what kept me committed and engaged for the past 30 years. That thing was and still is, TIME FREEDOM! Right now, especially now during these challenging times I cannot think of anything more important to life, than time.
I’ve been considering how to celebrate 30 years in business ownership in April 2022. How should I honor that milestone and thank every contact, client, customer, prospect, staffer, employee, contractor, friend, family member, and advisor who have been a part of my phenomenal rollercoaster ride. When I asked the universe this question, a simple and straightforward answer came to me–pass on the knowledge for others to benefit from it. One way I thought of is to share valuable and insightful information regarding starting, staying, and thriving in business and prospering during my career. So, I decided each month I will post articles here that detail information and hidden gems for navigating the ups and downs of Entrepreneurship.
Article themes will originate from simple and complex transactions, passionate clients, books, fascinating encounters, failed projects, and thrilling engagements. Every business transaction and experience taught me something about myself, the world, life, and relationships encountered; they also blessed me in countless ways that I did not anticipate. Every engagement paid-off in multiple ways, which I am immensely appreciative of and grateful for the lifestyle they afforded me. First and foremost, they laid the foundation for my business to grow and thrive through:
- Additional business coming from the primary client
- The client graciously offering warm referrals as new prospects
- Gaining a deeper understanding of multiple industries and markets
- Understanding and learning relevant business revenue models
- More and better relationships, both personal and professional
- Developing a broader, diverse, and deeper business network
- Developing better problem-solving skills and abilities
- Learning how to function with a team as an outsider to a company
- Not taking myself to serious by understanding that I am just one piece of the puzzle
- Learning to master my piece of the puzzle so it completes the master work
- Improved presentation, selling, and closing skills
- Enhancing my ability to view issues from multiple perspectives—360 degrees
- Developing the art of communicating bad news and not be thrown out the door, but actually be thanked profusely for the feedback.
- Embracing a deep appreciation for learning from my failures as well as my successes; in essence learning to be grateful and appreciative of the process of growing and developing as a business owner. Once I wrapped my head around, I was growing not failing is what I think helped me advance quickly. I valued and learned from everything that occurred. Experience for yourself the magic of GJ100!
However, what I’ve enjoyed most on this thrilling ride is listening to all kinds of people from different walks of life explain, describe, and talk about their dream, their idea, their concept, or vision. They talked about how good it makes them feel, how good it would make others feel, or how they want to help a community thrive, or how it would make a huge difference in someone’s life, or how that ‘thing’ was desperately needed, or how a shift in the economy opened the door to an avalanche of opportunities, or they talked about how it would ultimately allow them more time and financial freedom to do more of the things they love. Being a part of helping to bring someone else’s dream to life is a gift within itself.
At first there was always some fear and doubt in their minds if they could do it. That’s expected because launching and growing a business will force you out of your comfort zone. It is akin to stepping into foreign territory without a compass or a roadmap. If you find yourself in this position, look for a Guide a mentor to help you. I was their Guide. I was there to help them write a simple and straightforward business plan to get them to their destination, or at a minimum to the next milestone. All they had to do was execute the plan step-by-step. You may be in the same position of apprehension about venturing out, or you may be infinitely more confident and ready. That’s great! My hope is you will learn something new here that will catapult your business to a higher level of operating and thriving; or you will be reminded of a crucial element to consider in your decision-making when faced with daunting challenges. Whichever is the case, enjoy the ride on Entrepreneurship because it is going to be epic!!!