Accomplished “Hired Gun” with exceptional content and copywriting skills seeking EBOs and OMs to blow-up your online sales
Entrepreneurs, business owners, and online marketers, free yourself from worrying about finding the right word, phrase, or right offer to attract prospects to convert to customers. Get your marketing communication and promotions done quickly and painlessly. Specifically tailored just for you, are 11 Essential Marketing and Sales Tools for the Digital Age to help you sell your products, services, brand, and ideas online.
Dear Online Marketer:
I am absolutely overjoyed to introduce myself to you today! I think it’s important for you to know where I draw my inspiration, insight and expertise especially since we may be fortunate enough to cross paths on this life-journey and collaborate on a project or two.
I am, Lita A. Blount, Entrepreneur, Consultant, Advisor, and Author. I’ve been writing awesome content and copy offline for over 30 years. Much like you, the pandemic drove me to do it online 100% of the time. But before we dive into this massive opportunity, first allow me to share some history that will help you understand the value I bring to our prospective relationship.
I’ve been enthusiastically serving the small business sector for over three decades, having fun envisioning, strategizing, and promoting brilliant ideas and emerging brands. First, I pursued a career in corporate America (9 yrs.) in the retail, banking, and consulting industries, and for the past 30 years leading the consulting firm that bears my name.
Just prior to founding L.A. Blount & Associates in April 1992, I served as Director of a regional consulting firm, managing the efforts of twenty consultants and an administrative staff, working with countless eager business owners who launched dozens of new ventures. I have personally launched and owned six enterprises and founded in early 2001, a nonprofit educational sports foundation that serves youth and young adults, with a particular focus on empowering girls and young women.

I am the author of the “Gratitude Journal: 100 Days of Thanksgiving” which is a catalyst for effortless manifestation and living a blissful life.
Creator of the “Small Business Guide Complete” a step-by-step training program for aspiring entrepreneurs; Creator of “Day Manager Systems” a personal productivity enhancement program for business owners; and Designer of “Deliberate Success” a sharply focused one-on-one coaching program for ambitious business professionals and entrepreneurs.

In college, I was a dual major, holding degrees in Management and Marketing from the University of West Georgia and a Master of Business Administration with an emphasis in finance and strategic business planning, also from the University of West Georgia.
At UWG is where I received an extraordinary “gift” that would change the trajectory of my life completely and forever.
The details of this story are coming in just a moment, so stay with me….
The endeavors I’ve mentioned above required a significant investment of resources to launch ideas, instill concepts, and/or sell products. Resources that we did not have at the beginning such as capital, business credit, people, data, equipment, and technology were acquired through our marketing efforts.
We wrote letters, notes, emails, advertisements, or proposals to solicit all the resources we needed to bring ideas and ventures to fruition.
I firmly believe marketing, sales and fulfillment are the lifeblood of every company. Written communications in these areas are crucial to the success of a company, primarily because they are directly responsible for attracting and retaining customers who provide the revenue to operate the business. With a consistent flow of paying and satisfied customers the business will be able to thrive.
Throughout my entrepreneurial career I experienced deeply and was consistently guided by two elevated mindsets.
First, the mindset of an entrepreneur is to bring something to market that is needed, wanted, in high demand, overlooked, or has never been seen before, to capitalize on the financial opportunity that exist. As an entrepreneur you see the opportunity before the masses or even the adventurers who are on the cutting edge see it coming, and you step forward to seize it. I view market challenges as opportunities to create something magical.
The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
Winston Churchill
The mindset of a consultant is to solve problems…. big, small, business, personal, simple, complex, community or corporate…it really doesn’t matter what type of problem it is once you are tuned to that frequency….it’s really about the thrill of solving the problem. You’re constantly in fixer and improvement mode…. always in search of a better more efficient and effective way of doing something to get better results.
I bounce back and forth between these two mindsets constantly. I reference both mindsets because you too are here, right now: (1) you have an opportunity in front of you that you want to seize; and (2) you have a challenge to solve, which is how to best attract more customers to your brand. TRUE?! Yes. I am here, through Sales Essentials to help you successfully navigate both mindsets to achieve the results you seek.
So, how did I get here?
There are pivotal moments in all our lives that are vital to our growth, development, and success. Those moments make us stretch outside our boundaries, dig ourselves out of a dark hole, reach for something wonderful, open our hearts completely, and yes even set us on a path of boundless exploration. Not to worry, I am not going into a long discourse on all these here, but I will briefly share two moments that set me on the path of entrepreneurship.

A Natural Entrepreneur
I grew up in a large family of educated and opinionated parents and siblings in a small town in Georgia. I have two sisters and two brothers, which I am the youngest of the bunch. I had to be able to hold my own with this crew.
My first taste of entrepreneurship came when I was 7 years old (second grade). During the week on school nights, I would go to the store with my dad to pick up snacks for my siblings and my mom. My father would always say, when you work hard, you need to take a break and reward yourself to refresh and stay sharp.
My siblings would all be studying in their rooms or in the living room and they didn’t want to go to the store because it would interrupt their flow. So, I would volunteer to go to buy the stuff they wanted (hey back then, in the second grade I didn’t have a flow or much to study, so off I went).
I would take their orders and ask for 25 cents for making the trip. I would write out my list. I couldn’t spell very well so I would show them what I had written and asked them to confirm that’s what they wanted. (Nowadays they call it texting when you leave out certain letters – I was doing that in the 2nd grade many moons ago. I’m just saying!)
Anyway they would say, Lita what is this, and look at me sideways—you can’t even read….I don’t know if…. Mommmm!!! Siblings of little faith. I know, they couldn’t read it either, but I would repeat what they said, and they were okay with the order. My list looked something like this …
– you get the idea, even with glasses you can’t make it out. I know. My secret for getting the right items each time was because I always remembered what the packaging looked like. They always got the same thing.
When I got back from the store, I distributed the orders. Later I would go to each one of them to see how they were enjoying their goodies. They would always offer me some of what they bought and shared a few minutes telling me about what they were studying.
I didn’t understand, not even close but I listened anyway, and nodded my head while I ate snacks. That exchange let me know they were happy with what they got and satisfied enough not to yell for Mom. I went to the store with my dad a lot.
So, in essence I got my customers exactly what they wanted, money to buy what I wanted, and a taste of everything. Oh yeah, my first venture into entrepreneurship worked out pretty well. When I look back, I learned a great deal from those years, and some of it I still use today:
Like making sure the customer is satisfied and happy with what they are getting; and help enough people achieve their goals and get what they want, then I’m able to get what I want. It works every time!
The Greatest Gift Ever
Dr. Frank Hunsicker was one of my professors and my academic advisor at West Georgia in the School of Business. He was warm, witty, and very knowledgeable.
For some reason he reminded me of “Red Skelton.” I loved Red Skelton. For those of you who don’t know Red Skelton, Google him. In short, he was a brilliant comedian and actor, who made the ordinary seem extraordinary…. that too was Frank Hunsicker.
And although I got to know him and learn from him as an undergraduate, a few years later after leaving corporate America, when I returned to West Georgia to pursue my MBA, he became my mentor and master (when the student is ready the master teacher appears).
I was his Graduate Research Assistant, which meant I helped with his classes, ran errands, delivered inter-office memos to other administrative offices and departments on campus (we didn’t have email), and I completed research assignments for him about current events, methodologies, companies, and people.
He demanded excellence of me at every turn and pushed me to see beyond what was in front of me, to ask probing questions, and not to be satisfied with the status quo. He was amazing and well respected in the academic world as well as in the business community. There would always be a line of students in the hall outside his office door waiting for his highly regarded counsel.

He was a phenomenal communicator. He had lots of people seeking his advice on a multitude of business issues. But before responding to inquiries, he would conduct massive amounts of research from various perspectives to gain a better understanding. He called it getting a 360-degree view of the issue. As his Graduate Assistant I basically worked several days a week on whatever project or assignment he needed assistance with.
I remember my first week of working with Dr. Hunsicker, it was filled with eye-opening jaw-dropping moments that ultimately led to an amazing career in consulting. However, the first occasion during that week stands out when he shared some words of wisdom that would prove to be prophetic.
He sent me to the library to research two articles written by Peter Drucker, the founder of modern management. Hunsicker loved Peter Drucker, his knowledge, methodologies, and insights about effective versus efficient management in business operations. I researched a lot, lot, lot, lot of Peter Drucker material. Drucker was not the easiest guy to read I can tell you that.
Piece of Cake, Right?
I found the articles, made copies, and took them to his office. When I got there, he was on the phone, and there was a line of students waiting in the hall for his counsel.
I left the articles on his desk with a note…. “Here are the articles by Peter Drucker you wanted.” I was pleased with myself and thought this was an easy day… this job is not hard at all…this graduate assistant work is a piece of cake.
Oh no, no, no, no, no that was not the end of the article assignment. Not even close.
The next day after I completed my class schedule for the day, I stopped by Dr. H’s office to see if he had anything he wanted me to do. He was always a jovial guy (remember, I said Red Skelton) even when dishing out criticism and feedback.
This is basically what he said with a wry smile on his face and sarcastic tone: “I want you to not only find the articles I send you to find, but I want you to READ them, THINK about them, WRITE a summary of the most important points, and be prepared to PRESENT your findings. I want you to RESEARCH them to gain an understanding of the topic. It broadens your outlook, and it saves me some time when you can dissect them in this manner.
Time is Your Most Valuable Asset
ME: I didn’t know you wanted me to do all of that with each article?!…
Dr. H: You didn’t ask me how I wanted it done, he said. I’m thinking, say what?!……silence and a blank stare from me.
He continued, “first always ask lots of questions about completing any assignment before you start so you don’t waste valuable time. Time is and always will be your most valuable and important asset. Your “Time” on this Earth is rare and finite, that is what makes it so valuable. With anything you do you will invest your time, money, or energy. You can always make more money or conjure up more energy, but you cannot make more time. When that moment is gone, it’s gone forever. And when your time is up, it’s up! Learn to invest and manage wisely these three assets, your money, your personal energy, and especially your time.
Second, always go above and beyond what’s asked of you to do. Get accustomed to doing more. What you and most people want is probably more times than not on the other side of a challenge or problem.
Your task is to solve the problem that will open the floodgates to what you want. It’s the same with 99% of businesses as well.”
“Most of the time when people or companies seek to hire a consultant, they want someone who can solve problems that they cannot solve. The better you are at solving problems, the more you will be in demand.
Afterall, the marketplace is nothing more than a series of problems people need and want answers to…and depending on what side of the equation you’re on...Problem or Solution…your success in business and life is driven by how effective and efficient you are at solving problems and adjusting to new circumstances.
Then he said something that I will never forget and refer to often: “the key to solving problems and overcoming challenges with the right solution is in clearly defining the problem…a thorough examination of the issues, followed by completely and clearly defining the problem will always lead to the best answer or solution…. 99% of the time.”
Teaching me and helping me develop the skillset of problem-solving is the greatest gift I have ever received.
So, what separates me from other B2B writers who provide digital marketing content and sales copy? Quite frankly, years and years of working with entrepreneurs and business owners to clarify their vision, craft their message and solve their challenges; as well as having the expertise, creativity, and problem-solving abilities to seize opportunities.
What does this mean for you online marketer and prospective collaborator? It means:
- Boosted search rankings through fully optimized marketing content
- Customized Copywriting that converts prospects to customers
- Having a reservoir of engaging original content and innovative ideas readily accessible
- Having persuasive and convincing copy at your fingertips to close more sales
- High-quality writing and SEO knowledge to enhance marketing communications
- Increased productivity so you and your team can focus on product/service delivery
- An objective outside perspective focused on results and dedicated to your project
- Having a resource where agencies can outsource content and copy requests for clients
- Diverse industry knowledge gained from writing hundreds of business plans
- Project consulting and knowledge transfer when you need it most
- Guaranteed turnaround on quality work completed on-time

If you need awesome Content and killer sales Copy to promote your brand and sell more products, then knock on this door to get started now.

If you have a destination in mind you want to get to now or have a definite purpose you want to achieve, the roadmap behind this door will guide you to your destination in the shortest amount of time and with the most direct route.

If you want to live a life full of bounty and bliss effortlessly and consistently flowing to you regardless of what is happening elsewhere in the world, then step through this door.
Lita A. Blount, M.B.A.
Creator, Sales Essentials
P.S. Thank you for taking the time to read my bio and to get to know me. I look forward to the opportunity to get acquainted with you as well. Do remember to get your downloads!